Anti-Racist White Parent Group (ARWP)
Anti-Racist White Parent Group (ARWP) at TOPS
The Anti-Racist White Parent Group (ARWP) is an affinity group working to advance racial equity at TOPS K-8. Monthly emails share information and links about anti-racism topics, and monthly meetings are designed for both drop-in and regular participation, so come when you can!
This is a space for anyone in our TOPS community (parents, caregivers, staff, and educators) to examine our white conditioning and hold it with compassion and without judgment.
Please join the ARWP google group to receive meeting information and resources.
The ARWP is open to all and is intended to create space for mistakes, learning, and growth by white people. If you experience racism this space may cause more harm, please consider this when deciding whether to join and/or attend meetings.
Sign up for the listserv listed above to receive the zoom link for each meeting.”
If you have questions, please contact the parent organizers at
Melissa Pico
Tara Murphy Forde
Roxane Geller
Lucas Dobbs