Friends of TOPS (FOT)
What is Friends of TOPS (FOT)?
Friends of TOPS (FOT) is fundraising organization managed by family members or caregivers of children enrolled in TOPS. It is a 501(c)(3) tax deductible non-profit, administered by the TOPS Site Council. Our EIN is: 94-3142402. We support both curriculum enhancements and community building projects, making sure our faculty and staff have the resources they need to provide a complete experience for our kids.
Budget and Programs
Since each year’s fundraising goes towards programs that will take place in the following year, requests for funding are due in the spring of the prior school year. (E.g. for a program to be funded in school year 2021-2022, a request for funds would have been made in the spring of 2021.) The requests will be reviewed and the budget approved by Site Council, acting as the Friends of TOPS board.
Program Proposals
For the 2021-2022 funding cycle, the Friends of TOPS Board had guided discussions to reach funding decisions. There is not a strict list of requirements for funding proposals. However our discussions were guided by this document, which is available for the whole community to view and includes translations.
Friends of TOPS members also recognize that the 2021-2022 school year may continue to be different than other years. While we hope all budgeted programs may proceed, decisions about how school exists for the year may impact whether programs can occur. Should programs need to be cancelled, reallocations of funds may take place in order to better serve our students.
The community will be asked to submit program proposals for the 2022-2023 school year in Winter 2022.
Payments and Reimbursements
If you are in need of reimbursement or payment for a Friends of TOPS program, please use this online check request form to submit requests for payments and reimbursements.
For contractors and individuals being paid for services, please be sure to include a current W-9 form.
Before submitting a request, please speak with your program manager to make sure the expense meets their approval.